Legal Services / Expert Witness
I am an Associate Consultant with the Institute of Occupational Medicine, at their Chesterfield Office providing expert opinion on occupational disease claims for civil litigation cases in the UK.
Reports prepared in connection with legal instructions have involved cases of Legionnaires’ disease, Noise-Induced Hearing Loss/tinnitus, occupational asthma, pharyngeal cancer, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, bladder cancer, silicosis, aspergillosis, dermatitis, chrome allergy and asbestos-related diseases including asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer.
Agents under study have included: asbestos materials, acids, aromatic amines, cereal/grain dust, epoxy resins, fire smoke/fumes, flour dust, glues/adhesives, hexavalent chromium, inks, isocyanates, man-made mineral fibres, metalworking fluids, mineral oils, mould / bioaerosols, organic solvents, paints, rubber dust/fumes, and silica dust.
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